(1) Welcome to Pocket Support (the ‘Platform’). The Platform is operated by Pocket Support Pty Ltd
(ABN 54 668 738 994) (‘Pocket Support’). The Platform provides NDIS Assistive Technology
(equipment, devices and technology to help people with disabilities) and thereby facilitates
interactions between:
(a) People looking to be connected with Providers (the ‘Participant’ or ‘you’ or ‘yours’); or
(b) Representatives (authorised family or legal guardian who makes decisions on behalf of
Participants) of the Participant (the ‘Representative’) with
(c) NDIS Health Professionals and Support Service Carers and supervisors (the ‘Providers’)
making it easier for the Participant or Representative to communicate with Providers and for
Providers to deliver NDIS services to Participants in an efficient and secure manner (together,
the ‘Users’).
(2) The Platform is designed to assemble a Participants entire NDIS support network and connect
them in a singular space to strengthen the coordination, safety, service quality, accountability and
development of Participants and the network around them.
(3) This ‘Privacy Policy’, which forms a part of our Terms, governs your use of the Platform whether
as a Provider, a Participant, or a Representative, (‘User’) and the supply of our products and
services (‘Services’). If you do not agree with the Terms, you must cease usage of the Platform,
or any of its services, immediately.
(4) Pocket Support values transparency and privacy. We are committed to protecting the personal
information that we collect, store, and use when you access our Platform and Services (‘Personal
(5) We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the
‘Privacy Act’) and the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Information Breaches) Act 2017 (NDB)
(together ‘Privacy Laws’).
(6) This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is managed, collected, and used
when you visit or use our Platform and Services.
(7) We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in how we handle Personal
Information and to reflect any changes to the privacy laws. Updates to this Privacy Policy will be
effective upon posting to the Platform.
(8) By using our Platform, you consent to the collection, processing, and management of Personal
Information as set out in this Privacy Policy.
(1) To obtain access to the Services on our Platform, User must sign up for a customer portal account
(2) By signing up for an Account, User will be required to accept the Terms by clicking “I accept” in
the User interface as a condition of joining as a User. By clicking the “sign up now” button you
agree to our terms and conditions which gives notice to you through our user interface as follows:
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By Registering, you agree that you’ve read and accepted our Platform Terms and Conditions
and you consent to our Privacy Policy.
(1) “Personal Information” is information about an individual whose identity is apparent or that can
reasonably identify an individual from that information (s 6(1) of the Privacy Act).
(2) We receive and store Personal Information you provide to us through your use of our Services.
(3) We may ask you to provide Personal Information such as your name, payment details, address,
and email address to enable us to provide you with our Services, to provide you with subscription
information, sales, and marketing actions, process your subscription order, provide updates and
to meet our contractual obligations.
(4) This Personal Information may include,
(a) First and last name;
(b) Gender and date of birth;
(c) Disability or disabilities;
(d) Sensitive personal data – Physical and Mental Health (document form);
(e) NDIS number;
(f) Demographic data;
(g) Mobile number and email;
(h) Address;
(i) Payment data;
(j) Identity card numbers, passport numbers;
(k) Health related care plans (e.g., healthcare support plans, physio reports or behavioral
management plans etc.), and
(l) any other information reasonably collected or required for the supply of our Services.
(5) We may collect additional data from Users at other times, including but not limited to, when you
provide feedback, when you provide data in connection with the Services, change your content
or email preference, respond to surveys and promotions, or communicate with our customer
(6) Pocket Support may also collect any other Personal Information you provide while interacting with
us through the supply of our Services.
(1) User (including authorised family or legal guardian) provides us with express consent to collect
health and other information from you that is considered sensitive. You must be adequately
informed before giving this consent, you must give this consent clearly and voluntarily, the
consent must be current and specific, and you must have the capacity to understand and
communicate your consent.
(2) We are required to collect such Personal Information from you as reasonably required to provide
you with our Services, and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. This information is confidential
and will only be used by Pocket Support for the purposes of the provision of our Services and as
set out in our Privacy Policy unless otherwise required by law.
(3) We collect sensitive health information from you to provide you with our Services subject to that
information being reasonably necessary for the performance of our activities.
(4) In this Privacy Policy, we also explain to you how we store, protect, and keep your sensitive health
information confidential and how and when we disclose it to third parties.
(5) You own your sensitive health information and can decide who accesses it and you have a right
to access it by asking us for a copy. You can add or delete information or change who has a right
to access your records by changing the information in your Account and you can also withdraw
your consent.
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(6) You can also contact us at any time to request information about the records that we hold about
you, to correct any information that we hold about you, to delete any information that we hold
about you or to opt out of emails, marketing, or any other notifications that you receive from us.
If you agree initially, you can contact us later and ask us not to send you any marketing material
or targeted advertising material.
(7) Pocket Support will never release or disclose any of your sensitive health information or
confidential information without your express written consent. However, we may share or disclose
your sensitive health information in accordance with our Terms, for example, to your Provider or
when your or someone else’s health or safety are seriously threatened or when the information
will reduce or prevent a serious threat to public health or safety. There are also certain exemptions
which may apply in law enforcement situations and in a court of law.
(8) We may ask you to verify your identity before acting on any of your requests.
(9) You warrant the Personal Information you provide us is truthful, accurate, current, and complete
to the best of your knowledge or belief. We accept no liability in the event you fail to provide us
with Personal Information that is truthful, accurate, current and complete.
(1) Pocket Support collects Personal Information from you in a variety of ways, including when you
interact with us electronically or in person and when you access our Services.
(2) We collect Personal Information from Users in the following ways:
(a) when they register an enquiry;
(b) when we receive enquiries through the Platform or when the Platform is otherwise
accessed or used;
(c) when we receive enquiries via email; and
(d) from third party service providers engaged to supply services to us (for example,
professional or expert services), who provide information to us or invoice us for the
provision of services.
(3) We may also receive Personal Information from third parties in connection with the supply of our
Services. If we do, we will protect your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy
(1) Pocket Support uses your Personal Information and you consent to us using your Personal
Information to:
(a) supply you with our Services in accordance with our Terms;
(b) provide you with information and updates about our Services;
(c) communicate with you by a variety of measures or enable use of our Platform
communication tools (e.g., calling (VOIP), messaging and video calling) including, but not
limited to, communications from us by telephone, email, SMS, or mail;
(d) manage, research, and develop our Services including through data analytics;
(e) administer our business activities; and
(f) investigate any complaints.
(2) If you choose to withhold your Personal Information, it may not be possible for us to provide you
with our Services or for you to access certain parts of our digital content and for us to respond to
your query.
(1) We will only share your Personal Information where you have given us your consent, and only for
the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
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(2) We may disclose your Personal Information to any of our employees, officers, insurers,
professional advisers, agents, suppliers, or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for
the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Personal data is only supplied to a third party when it
is required for the delivery of our Services.
(3) We may share your Personal Information with third-party service providers to help us provide our
Services, and to provide you with a payment platform. Our third-party service providers are
located in Australia.
(4) When we disclose your data to third-party service providers, we do so on the basis that your data
is treated with confidence, and only used for the limited purpose of providing support to our
Services and Services, and in manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.
(5) We may from time to time need to disclose Personal Information to comply with a legal
requirement, such as a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, warrant, in the course of a legal
proceeding or in response to a law enforcement agency request.
(6) If there is a change of control in our business or a sale or transfer of business assets, we reserve
the right to transfer to the extent permissible at law our User databases, together with any
Personal Information and non-Personal Information contained in those databases.
(1) We are committed to ensuring that the data you provide to us is secure.
(2) To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic,
and managerial procedures, such as encryption of Personal Information, to safeguard and secure
data and protect it from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification, and
(1) The security of your data is important to us but no method of transmission over the Internet 100%
private and secure. We do not guarantee or warrant the absolute privacy or security of any data
we collect from or about you.
(2) The Internet is an insecure medium and users should be aware that there are inherent risks
transmitting information across the Internet. Information submitted unencrypted via electronic
mail or web forms may be at risk of being intercepted, read, or modified.
(3) A reportable “Data Breach” is a security incident where the integrity of Personal Information is
compromised through being destroyed, lost, altered, corrupted, disclosed or accessed by an
unauthorized person where it is likely to result in serious harm to any individual affected.
(4) We have procedures and systems in place including a data breach incident response plan,
specific data breach policies and procedures and personnel to deal with an actual or suspected
“Data Breach” and will notify you and the applicable regulator in accordance with our obligations
under the Privacy Laws and the NDB.
(5) Please report to Pocket Support any actual or suspected data breaches for investigation by using
the contact details provided below.
(1) You may request details of Personal Information that we hold about you in accordance with the
provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
(2) If you would like a copy of your data or believe that your data is inaccurate, out of date,
incomplete, or irrelevant, or wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us as How to Contact
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(1) We may use technologies and third-party services that use Google Analytics, pixels, tags, and
web beacons (code snippets) on our Services to improve user experience, the supply of our
Services and to analyze how our Services are used.
(2) The information collected is mostly anonymous traffic data aside from the approximate location
(IP address) and may include browser type, device information, and language. The information
collection is in aggregate form so that it cannot identify any individual user and provides an
overview of how people use our Services. It is not used for any additional purpose.
(3) Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your computer, tablet, or mobile device when
you visit a Platform. These small files contain information about browsing activity. Cookies are
used to identify you when you come back to a Platform and store details about your use of the
Platform. In addition, cookies can be used to analyse traffic and may be used to serve relevant
ads to Platform visitors through third party services such as Google AdWords.
(4) We may use persistent and session cookies to track your use of our Platform. Persistent cookies
are stored as a file on your computer and remain there when you close your web browser. Session
cookies are only stored on your computer during your web session and are automatically deleted
when you close your browser.
(5) We use cookies to improve user experience. This enables us to understand how you use the site
and track any patterns with regard to how you are using our Platform. Cookies allow us to
distinguish you from other users, so that we can recognise you each time you visit. Cookies also
allow us to store user preferences and provide you with a positive experience when you browse
this Platform, including enabling you to personalise Platform settings.
(6) You may opt-out from the collection of cookies by editing your browser options, but certain
features of our Services will not function if you disable cookies. To find out how to manage cookies
on browsers, visit the specific browser developer’s Platform. To opt out of being tracked by Google
Analytics, visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Our Services may from time to time have links to other sites not owned or controlled by us. Links
to third party sites do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these sites.
Pocket Support is not responsible for the privacy practices of other such sites.
If you have any complaints about our privacy practices, please contact us. We take privacy
seriously and will respond promptly to your notice.
(1) This Platform is owned and operated by Pocket Support Pty Ltd (ABN 54 668 738 994).
(2) Our principal place of business is at PO Box 16, Caloundra QLD 4551, Australia.
(3) User can contact us by email at the following address: Mthompson@pocketsupport.com.au
© 2023. Pocket Support Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Privacy Policy last updated 24 July 2023.